• 33%
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R$200000 244 DNA profiles 2
raised days to go
R$60 finished

Campaign initiative by

Paulo Gontijo Institute
Campaign had ended

Brazilian ALS patients and the Paulo Gontijo Institute recently launched the #efeitotsuru ‘fold a crane bird’ campaign to increase awareness of ALS in Brazil and worldwide.

Fold 6 crane birds and post a photo or video with the hashtag #efeitotsuru

Brazilian ALS patients started a new hype to raise awareness for ALS by folding crane birds. Their aim is to continue the international awareness of ALS that was initiated with the 2014 ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ for which many people, including celebrities, poured a bucket with ice water over their head for the sake of fighting ALS.

IPG’s executive director Silvia Tortorella, explains the Tsuru campaign:  “The White Crane or Tsuru is a sacred bird in Japan and represents health, good luck, longevity and happiness. An old legend has it that if one thousand crane birds are folded (with the origami technique)  with the thought of a single wish, this will come true.”

“We are inviting people to fold at least six tsurus and post a photo or video on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #efeitotsuru. The idea is to form a great chain of positive thoughts of cure.”

“The goal of the institute is to have photo’s and video’s of 15 million crane birds posted, representing a thousand birds for each ALS patient. “ says the director of the IPG. “We ask for involvement of companies, associations and everyone who can contribute by increasing the commitment of society and bringing knowledge about this disease that is rare, but extremely serious.”

For instructions on how to fold a paper crane, please see an instruction video on Youtube.

Furthermore, our campaign invites donations to Project MinE, which has more than 13 participating countries fighting for the discovery of the causes of ALS. In this project scientists worldwide work to make our wish come true, to find the genetic causes of ALS that will bring us closer to a cure.

Please donate to this campaign via Project MinE or through the brazilian website of IPG.

Brazilian ALS patients can also register at the website of IPG. Doing so helps IPG to build a better ALS database in Brazil, for better ALS research to find the causes and a cure. All patients registered will receive a free printed manual about ALS, and patients can also undergo a test that measures lung function, spirometry, applied by a respiratory therapist.

Campaign had ended

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to Project MinE

  • R$ 30
    Thalita Ferreira Benevides

    “Ana Paula Amaral você é uma pessoa iluminada! Estarei junto nesta luta pelo seu pai e por todos os outros diagnosticados com ELA que estão precisando de ajuda”

  • R$ 30
    Juliano Toazza

    “Meu falecido sogro, João B. F. Freitas (1947-Portugal / 2012-Brasil), ficaria feliz em saber que 3 anos após sua morte por ELA as pesquisas estão avançando no Brasil e no mundo. Obrigado project MinE e IPG.”